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Super Fun Easter Egg Cake Pops

Super Fun Easter Egg Cake Pops

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be back blogging. I’ve missed all of you and I’ll be making some pretty cool things more often now.

Since Easter is upon us (today is Saturday, April 20th), it’s the perfect time to share an Easter inspired (and delicious ;) ) cake pop recipe. It’s very simple to make and decorate and is a lot of fun to make with your kids too!

When I think about Easter, and shop around during this time, all I see are eggs. Eggs are everywhere. And I also know from experience that cake pops are easy to make and there is only two ingredients that you need. So I thought, why not make egg looking cake pops? And that’s how that idea came to be.

If you want to learn how to make it yourself, then follow along. The most important ingredients are the cake mix and icing. I mean, I could finish this post now and you would know how to do it all on your own…but I have some nice pictures that I want to show you anyways.

Here’s how to do it.


What you will need:

  • Cake Mix

  • Icing

  • Chocolate bunny (I got cookies n’cream)

  • Cake sprinkles

  1. Mix and cook your cake batter. Remove from oven and wait until it cools down.

  2. Using a fork, start scraping your cake until it is fluffy.

  3. Add icing to your fluffy mixture until you achieve a doughy consistency. Add in icing a little at a time to avoid too much cake moisture.

  4. Using your hands, form an egg like mould and place onto cookie sheet.

  5. Place cookie sheet in freezer for 1-2 hours.

  6. Prepare your cake sprinkles by pouring each topping into separate flat plates for dipping.

  7. Heat chocolate bunny over medium high double boiler and continue to mix until fully melted.

  8. Using paper straws, pierce the bottom of your eggs in a corkscrew fashion.

  9. Dip your eggs into the chocolate melt and use the assistance of a table spoon to apply the melted chocolate.

  10. Dip your eggs into your sprinkles (quickly! the chocolate dries fast!)

  11. Done! Photograph, eat and enjoy!


Have you tried this recipe out? How did it turn out? Let us know, down below!

Thank you for reading our blog post today! We hope you liked it. Enjoy your Easter with family. Have a wonderful day!

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