The Dollar Store Girl

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Market Math Recipe Book by Food & Wine

Be Amazed by the Photography...Fall in Love with the Food. 

I'm sure if you pick this book up at Dollarama, you will react the same way. It's visibly stunning. The photos are incredible. Hence, why everything looks so damn good. That's one of the reasons why I bought it too. 

It's an understatement to say I was amazed with the photography because I was beyond that. It's just a joy to simply look at the pictures first than anything else. Of course, the last thing I did was read over the recipe and even that is easy to follow. I haven't even made one single recipe from this book and I already know I'll love it.

What is Market Math?

If you're like me and just looked at the words MARKET MATH and got all confused, don't worry. Because most likely a few seconds later you read the words below it which read, 50 Ingredients x 4 Recipes = 200 Simple, Creative Dishes.  You good now? Great. Okay maybe not. I should explain it a bit more. So the chefs for this book selected 50 ingredients from the supermarket and created 4 simple, delicious different dishes for each. Just as they described in the intro of the book. Simple. 

But wait! There seems to be more than 200 recipes than what the book says. The extra ones seem to be colored in bright green to indicate they're made by celebrity chefs. I don't seem to mind anyways. 

What's inside?

There are 200 recipes inside, plus a bit more from celeb chefs. And if I do say so myself, some pretty delicious looking ones. The recipes are what you would find in high class restaurants so I was really excited to find this on Dollarama's shelves. The price tag was only $4!

The book is organized alphabetically (with missing letters due to lack of ingredients). So for A they would make recipes about apples, avocado, asparagus, etc, and B, and so on. Pretty simple organization. It has 255 pages loaded with market fresh food recipes. There's something for everyone here. 

My thoughts..

I really do love this book. I love that I'm able to create simple dishes that are 5 star quality. And for its price, it includes a great deal of recipes that I know I'll love for a very long time. If you are planning a trip to the dollar store, make sure to pass by the book isle and pick this book up. Happy dollar store shopping!

So I want to know. What do YOU think of this recipe book? What's your favorite recipe from it? Tell me your thoughts!

Market Math Recipe Book: $4.00

Have a nice day! And good mental health.